Pope diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- After undergoing a CT scan Feb. 18, Pope Francis was diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia, the Vatican said. "The follow-up chest...
Read MoreVATICAN CITY (CNS) -- After undergoing a CT scan Feb. 18, Pope Francis was diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia, the Vatican said. "The follow-up chest...
Read More(OSV News) -- Pro-life campaigners have urged Britain's Catholic bishops to speak out against pressure for abortions. This comes after thousands of women...
Read MoreVATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Evangelizing through culture is a challenge for the church, especially in societies where faith is seen as "something alien," participants...
Read MoreVATICAN CITY (CNS) -- In another sign that Pope Francis' stay in Rome's Gemelli hospital will continue for some time, the Vatican announced a substitute...
Read MoreNAPLES, Fla. (OSV News) -- Organ donor registry programs typically offered during state drivers license renewals might seem like a straight-forward...
Read MoreCIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) -- En su cuarto día en el hospital Gemelli de Roma, el Papa Francisco se encontraba sin fiebre y dedicó algo de tiempo...
Read MoreWASHINGTON (OSV News) -- El presidente del comité de migración de la conferencia episcopal estadounidense calificó los recientes comentarios...
Read More(OSV News) -- Catholics across the world are embarking on pilgrimages to commemorate the Jubilee Year of Hope. Many will travel to Rome to visit the four...
Read More(OSV News) -- La asistencia presencial a la Misa dominical en las iglesias católicas de Estados Unidos ha vuelto a los niveles anteriores a la pandemia,...
Read More(OSV News) -- El gobierno de Nicaragua emitió un comunicado en el que calificó de "depravado" al Vaticano, tras las entrevistas en las que el...
Read MoreBOSTON -- Quince parejas casadas entraron plenamente en el Sacramento del Santo Matrimonio al convalidar sus matrimonios en una ceremonia en la Catedral...
Read MoreBRAINTREE -- Sean Hurley, director de marketing y comunicaciones de los Servicios de Desarrollo Católico de Boston, dice que no hay una "bala de plata"...
Read MoreMEDFORD -- Andrea Sullivan, directora de la Escuela St. Joseph en Medford, es la primera en admitir que su escuela es "diferente". Y a ella le gusta así. "Sería...
Read MoreLEXINGTON -- Representantes de parroquias de toda la Arquidiócesis de Boston se reunieron con el Arzobispo Richard G. Henning en la Parroquia de Santa...
Read MoreBOSTON -- Fue una actuación impresionante. Tres leones de colores brillantes, con sus enormes cabezas cubiertas de pelo y adornadas con patrones decorativos...
Read MoreNEWTON En la noche del 2 de febrero, el Boston Marriott Newton fue agraciado por un visitante inusual. En el pasillo fuera del salón principal,...
Read MoreBRAINTREE -- El Arzobispo Richard G. Henning dio la bienvenida a casi 100 líderes de congregaciones religiosas de hombres y mujeres presentes en la Arquidiócesis...
Read MoreCAMBRIDGE -- Los estudiantes de la Escuela San Pedro en Cambridge donaron 150 artículos de ropa a personas sin hogar en el vecindario de Harvard Square...
Read MoreBRAINTREE -- El Directorio Católico de Boston está cambiando su fecha de publicación anual de febrero a junio.\r\nLa arquidiócesis recientemente decidió...
Read MoreVATICAN CITY (CNS) -- On his fourth day in Rome's Gemelli hospital, Pope Francis was without fever and devoted some time to work, the Vatican said. "The...
Read MoreVATICAN CITY (CNS) -- From his room on the 10th floor of Rome's Gemelli hospital, Pope Francis thanked everyone who is praying for his recovery and asked...
Read MoreVATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Franciscan Sister of the Eucharist Raffaella Petrini, secretary-general of the office governing Vatican City State, will become president...
Read More(OSV News) -- Catholics across the world are embarking on pilgrimages to commemorate the Jubilee Year of Hope. Many will travel to Rome to visit the four...
Read MoreWASHINGTON (OSV News) -- The U.S. bishops' migration chair called recent comments by Vice President JD Vance about the church's work with migrants "a tremendous...
Read MoreVATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Catholics cannot confine their faith to the liturgy but must fully engage and dialogue with the culture that surrounds them, said...
Read MoreROME (CNS) -- The same week U.S. President Donald Trump reiterated his idea of emptying Gaza of more than 2 million Palestinians so it could become a "Riviera...
Read MoreVATICAN CITY (CNS) -- After suffering from bronchitis for more than a week and having obvious difficulty breathing, the 88-year-old Pope Francis was admitted...
Read MoreCarmel Terrace Assisted Living, a non-profit Catholic community dedicated to providing compassionate care and a welcoming home for seniors, celebrates...
Read MoreFor many of us in the Irish community, caregiving is not just a profession -- it's a calling. Rooted in our culture is a deep respect for family, faith,...
Read MoreAt Marillac Residence, fostering a sense of community has long been a cornerstone of our mission. Through meaningful collaborations with local Catholic...
Read MoreA dire scene in a local senior living community dining room was swiftly righted, thanks to the heroic actions of one young worker. Phyllis Bagdasarian...
Read More(OSV News) -- As part of swift and sweeping changes to immigration policy, the Trump administration is aiming to end or severely curtail two forms of immigration...
Read MoreWASHINGTON (OSV News) -- More than two dozen Christian and Jewish groups filed a lawsuit Feb. 11 in federal court to challenge a Trump administration policy...
Read MoreBOSTON -- Fifteen married couples fully entered the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony by having their marriages convalidated in a ceremony at the Cathedral of...
Read MoreBRAINTREE -- Sean Hurley, director of marketing and communications for Boston Catholic Development Services, says that there's no "silver bullet" for...
Read MoreMEDFORD -- Andrea Sullivan, principal of St. Joseph School in Medford, is the first to admit that her school is "different." And she likes it that way. "It...
Read More"I knew her for 50 years. She came from a great family at St. Peter, Cambridge. Phenomenal educator," Msgr. Kevin J. O'Leary described Sister Clare...
Read MoreNEW YORK (OSV News) The following are capsule reviews of theatrical movies available now for streaming or scheduled for broadcast on network or...
Read MoreNEW YORK (OSV News) Roses are red... and so is the flood of gore that mars the Valentine's Day-themed slasher flick "Heart Eyes" (Screen Gems)....
Read MoreNEW YORK (OSV News) A Valentine's Day-themed martial arts movie? It seems an unlikely recipe. Yet enjoyable humor and a touch of romance do increase...
Read MoreWASHINGTON (OSV News) -- Pope Francis has appointed Msgr. Richard F. Reidy, vicar general and moderator of the curia of the Diocese of Worcester, Massachusetts,...
Read More(OSV News) -- Catholic Relief Services and Caritas agencies throughout the world are warning that the Trump administration's freezing of the U.S. Aid for...
Read More(OSV News) -- The leader of the nation's Catholic bishops has commended Pope Francis' move to extend to the universal Catholic Church the feast of a beloved...
Read MoreWASHINGTON (OSV News) -- The president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Feb. 11 thanked Pope Francis for his support for the U.S. bishops' work...
Read MoreROME (OSV News) -- Nicaragua's government issued a harsh statement Feb. 8 condemning the Vatican following remarks by exiled Bishop Rolando Álvarez...
Read MoreVATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Francis has added the feast day of St. Teresa of Kolkata, a "beacon of hope" and an example of loving service to the poorest...
Read MoreVATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Francis has urged U.S. Catholics and people of goodwill to not give in to "narratives" that discriminate against and cause unnecessary...
Read More(OSV News) -- Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin of Newark, New Jersey announced he has engaged a law firm to investigate whether the current president of Seton...
Read MoreNAPLES, Fla. (OSV News) -- A large urban setting with ample family-friendly attractions will likely host the next National Eucharistic Congress in 2029,...
Read More(OSV News) -- In the past four years, the TV show "The Chosen" has taken the Catholic world by storm, as thousands eagerly await the debut of the fifth...
Read MoreWASHINGTON (OSV News) -- The 11th National Eucharistic Congress will be held in 2029, building "on the grace" received in Indianapolis at the 10th congress,...
Read MoreWASHINGTON (OSV News) -- The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops issued layoff notices to about a third of the staff in its Migration and Refugee Services...
Read MoreWASHINGTON (OSV News) -- The Trump administration Feb. 7 changed the government's position in a Supreme Court case concerning a Tennessee state law banning...
Read MoreWASHINGTON (OSV News) -- Amid ongoing uncertainty about the future of the U.S. Agency for International Development, the former head of Catholic Relief...
Read More(OSV News) -- Ahead of national and international celebrations of matrimony, Bishop Robert E. Barron said that marriage is "a source of hope for all generations." Bishop...
Read More(OSV News) -- Sunday Mass attendance in person at Catholic churches in the U.S. is back to pre-pandemic levels -- although just under one quarter of the...
Read MoreWASHINGTON (OSV News) -- President Donald Trump said in remarks to the National Prayer Breakfast Feb. 6 that he would create a task force, led by Attorney...
Read MoreDUBLIN (OSV News) -- A decline in religion will likely deepen Ireland's demographic crisis, according to a new study by a pro-family and pro-life Irish...
Read MoreVATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The Nicene Creed is more than a statement of faith -- it is a powerful sign of unity among Christians, Pope Francis said as he welcomed...
Read MoreVATICAN (CNS) -- Every Christian, and not just those serving as missionaries in remote regions of the world, have an obligation to share the hope that...
Read More(OSV News) -- President Donald Trump signed an executive order Feb. 5 barring biological males from competing in women's sports. "Under the Trump administration,...
Read MoreCelebrating the fifth anniversary of its New England campus, Thomas Aquinas College in Northfield, Massachusetts, will host a weekend-long Open House for...
Read MoreWhen Aidan Finnegan arrived at St. Michael's College as a first-year student three years ago, he wasn't sure what he wanted to study and didn't...
Read MoreSince its founding in 1963, Sacred Heart University (SHU) has remained steadfast in its mission: to provide a transformative education that nurtures the...
Read MoreRecently, we, at St. John's Seminary, had the privilege of celebrating our 140th anniversary. Founded by Archbishop John Williams in 1884 as the seminary...
Read MoreWASHINGTON (OSV News) -- Claims that the U.S. bishops' conference profits from its partnership with the government to assist refugee populations that qualify...
Read MoreLEXINGTON -- Representatives of parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Boston gathered with Archbishop Richard G. Henning at St. Brigid Parish in Lexington...
Read MoreBOSTON -- It was quite the command performance. Three Technicolor lions, their massive glittery heads covered in fur and festooned in lavish decorative...
Read MoreNEWTON On the night of Feb. 2, the Boston Marriott Newton was graced by an unusual visitor. In the hallway outside of the main ballroom, surrounded...
Read MoreBRAINTREE -- Archbishop Richard G. Henning welcomed nearly 100 leaders of men and women religious congregations present in the Archdiocese of Boston for...
Read MoreCAMBRIDGE -- Students of St. Peter School in Cambridge donated 150 articles of clothing to homeless people in the Harvard Square neighborhood on Jan. 30...
Read MoreBRAINTREE -- The Boston Catholic Directory is moving its annual publication date from February to June. The archdiocese recently moved to make most clergy...
Read MoreA priest of the archdiocese widely known and admired by people, priests, and bishops, Father John F. Mulloy died at Boston's Regina Cleri Residence,...
Read MoreNEW YORK (OSV News) Despite being billed as a romantic comedy, "You're Cordially Invited" (Amazon MGM) showcases more spite than genuine love. Throw...
Read MoreNEW YORK (OSV News) The following are capsule reviews of theatrical movies available now for streaming or scheduled for broadcast on network or...
Read More(OSV News) -- As an uneasy calm returned to the Congolese city of Goma, following a unilateral ceasefire declared by the rebels, people began burying the...
Read MoreROME (CNS) -- Smiles, laughter, prayer and strategizing abound at the Bishops' Office for U.S. Visitors to the Vatican. Just a few blocks from Rome's...
Read MoreVATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Christians are called to follow Mary's example by responding to God's love with action, reaching out to others instead of withdrawing...
Read More(OSV News) -- Skiers at Mount Shasta Ski Park in Northern California have a new protector. No, it is not a revamped ski patrol or new lifts; rather, it...
Read MoreVATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Governments have a serious responsibility to care for their nation's children, but no caring person can stand by idly when children...
Read More(OSV News) -- Budgets, it has been said, are moral documents. By examining what they include and exclude -- fund and don't fund -- the apparent priorities...
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