Healing Service, Duxbury
A Healing Service, led by Deacon Jack Sullivan, will take place in the chapel at Holy Family Church, 601 Tremont Street, on the third Friday of every month. The event will begin with Evening Prayer at 5:00 p.m., followed by Benediction before the Healing Service. In July 2009, Pope Benedict XVI announced that Deacon Jack’s sudden and remarkable healing from a crippling spinal injury -- after prayer for Cardinal John Henry Newman’s intercession -- was a miracle, which led to Cardinal Newman’s beatification in September 2010. Deacon Jack will bless attendees with a relic of St. John Henry Newman. For more information, contact Deacon Jack at 781-563-2107.
Rosary Playgroup, Stoughton
Moms and Tots Rosary Playgroup meets the third Friday of the month from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. at St. James Parish Hall, 560 Page Street. Learn to pray the rosary, enjoy coffee and doughnuts, and meet other local mothers. For more information, call 781-886-6073.
Fundraising Concert, Boston
The Cathedral of the Holy Cross, 1400 Washington Street, will celebrate 149 years since the dedication of its principal organ, the 101-rank E. and G. G. Hook and Hastings opus 801 (on Feb. 23, 1876), at 3:00 p.m. To honor the instrument’s birthday, several of New England’s notable organists will perform a variety of works on the historic pipe organ of 5,298 pipes. For more information, visit rb.gy/trvcgr.
Special Evening, Medway
Do you love the Psalms? Come to a special evening at Betania II Retreat Center, 154 Summer Street, that will include praise and worship, teaching on the Psalms, testimony, healing prayer teams, and Eucharistic adoration. Confessions will be available. This event, which will take place from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., is free. A love offering will be taken up. For information, call Kim at 508-520-2970.
Pro-Life Event, Virtual Meeting
To advance Respect for Life, especially the most vulnerable and least visible lives -- the children in the womb -- clergy, catechists, parents, and activists are invited to join on a Zoom call from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. for an important educational event titled “Advocacy for Life: A Successful Approach.” To register, please email Kathy Parsons at mk.pars4@verizon.net; the Zoom link will be emailed to you before the event.
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