Women Affirming Life's virtual Advent mini-retreat

For over 25 years, Women Affirming Life, Inc. has hosted an Advent gathering that consisted of a Mass offered by Cardinal Sean, followed by breakfast and a speaker. But 2020 and the pandemic would change that.

Back in July, Marianne Luthin, director of the Pro-Life Office, decided that this event would not be possible in 2020. However, knowing how much the attendees enjoy the WALI gathering because it gives Advent a spiritual boost, she explored other ways to encourage a meaningful preparation for Christmas.

The decision was made to host a virtual event featuring Sister Margaret "Meg" Guider, a Sister of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate and chair of the Ecclesiastical Faculty at the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry. The title of the talk mirrored its content: "Mary's Advent: Confinement, Uncertainty . . . And Hope." Sister Meg's vision was to draw parallels between Mary's experience as she awaited the birth of her son and the experiences we have had these many months as we try to cope with the coronavirus.

I initially approached Sister Meg about being an in-person speaker at WALI when I met her at a conference she gave on the Consecrated Life to over 100 religious sisters in February 2020. When she heard that this was a pro-life happening, she said "yes" before I even finished telling her what would be required. I couldn't help remarking, "That was super quick." She told me that she favored pro-life gatherings because of her only sister, Mariann Therese, who was born with Down syndrome. "The Pro-Life movement stresses that every life is precious," she explained. "When I think of my sister, I am reminded of a verse from John's Gospel, Chapter 9: "His disciples asked him, 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?' Jesus answered, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned; he was born blind so that God's works might be revealed in him."

Sister Guider's main message is that, like the Blessed Mother, we, too, are in confinement (quarantine) and uncertain what the future will hold. At the same time, we are reminded of the countless ways in which God breaks into our lives in unexpected ways -- at unexpected times.

Through reflections that are rich with Scripture quotes, Sister Margaret invites us to enter into this season of Advent as we are each called by name as Mary was, to "listen like disciples" to the Word of God, to be "hearers of the Word" and "doers of the Word," as well.

Her 45-minute talk has been on the Archdiocese of Boston's Vimeo platform for a little over two weeks and has already been viewed by 300 people. I would like to share some of the comments we have received.

"I have just finished Sister Meg Guider's online retreat. I really enjoyed it, thank you! I absolutely loved how it was set up with time for reflection and she spoke very calmly and clearly and the visuals were great. I sat at my computer with a cup of tea watching and taking time out to pray and reflect. Really beautifully done! Thank you again for sharing this." Valerie C. Parzyck, Office of Evangelization, Diocese of Burlington, Vermont.

"As I continue to live in the shadow of COVID-19, I am experiencing anxiety, loneliness, separation from family and friends. This presentation, which presented Mary as warm and approachable, gave me a spiritual way to prepare for Christmas with Mary." Susan Heady, frequent WALI attendee.

"I've been a religious sister for 45 years and I never quite saw the connection between the annunciation and the visitation as explained here -- the uncertainty to the joy of the Magnificat. I loved the hopeful tone of Sister Meg's presentation." Sister Patricia Edward, FSP.

Sister Meg's presentation can be viewed at vimeo.com/483109908.