Parables of prayer
Jesus is certainly known, loved, and believed as the Eternal Son of the Father, the Word made flesh. He also has some other critical expertise among them as a great preacher using parables as a principal ...
Praying with saints and sinners
When I first saw the title, I thought, "Huh? Praying with saints makes sense. With sinners, not so much." Then I caught myself. What about Augustine (who, of course, was both) or, for that matter, so ...
Praying with Jesus
The Gospels tell us that Jesus spent time in prayer. Usually, we hear this when something very significant in his life or ministry is going to happen. He goes on a 40-day retreat into the desert. He ...
During these past several weeks, the staff of The Pilot, Pilot Bulletins, and Pilot Printing have been assisting the installation committees preparing for Archbishop Henning's official welcome to ...
The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception as a holy day of obligation
The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Dec. 8) is a holy day in the U.S. because it is under this title that the Mother of the Lord is our patroness -- it is now always ...
Welcoming Archbishop Henning
Next week there will be another milestone in the history of the Archdiocese of Boston with the installation of our new archbishop, Archbishop Richard Garth Henning. This column is simply a preview of ...
Beyond the parish
Three weeks from the date of this issue, Nov. 1, 2024, this newspaper will have a new publisher, and the archdiocese will have its new archbishop. The columns of this and of next week are inspired by ...