A forum of Catholic Thought

Two years after DobbsRussell Shaw

Two years ago, the Supreme Court vindicated the right to life by reversing a 1973 ruling which abruptly asserted the existence of a constitutional right to abortion that no one had ever previously heard ...

Patriotism, then and now Russell Shaw

Here to salute the 4th of July are a few troubled thoughts on patriotism. Orestes Brownson, the most prominent American Catholic public intellectual of 19th century, discerned a divinely bestowed mission ...

'Gatsby' nearing century markRussell Shaw

Several miles outside Washington, DC, in a bustling Maryland suburb called Rockville, there's a small cemetery next to a Catholic church. In it is a headstone bearing two names: Francis Scott Key ...

Patriarch Kirill and Ukraine Russell Shaw

While the human suffering caused by the war in Ukraine is incomparably worse than any other evil arising from that conflict, it's no stretch to say another casualty of this disastrous war has been ...

What to expect from the courtRussell Shaw

Is the Supreme Court seeking a judicial middle ground in the abortion wars -- a stance that pleases and displeases pro-lifers and pro-choicers alike, although for opposite reasons? If so, two pending ...

Political decision year ahead Russell Shaw

Evidently timed to coincide with the heating up of the presidential race, a movie called "Civil War" made its debut in theaters across the country in March. It is premised on the fantastic notion of Texas ...

'Dignitas' and the mediaRussell Shaw

By now it should be clear that when the Church issues a document addressing several topics, one of which is sex, our major secular media will ignore the rest and concentrate on sex. The latest example ...

Is this synodality? Russell Shaw

A surprisingly large number of priests are said to have lately been replying "no thanks" when invited to become bishops. If that's so, it may help explain why Pope Francis, responding to discussions ...