A forum of Catholic Thought

The end of marriageJaymie Stuart Wolfe

When I was a kid, there was a little rhyme everybody chanted to tease whoever they thought was experiencing a childhood crush. It went like this: (Boy's Name) and (Girl's Name), sitting in a ...

Parables of prayerFather Robert M. O'Grady

Jesus is certainly known, loved, and believed as the Eternal Son of the Father, the Word made flesh. He also has some other critical expertise among them as a great preacher using parables as a principal ...

The least of theseArchbishop Richard G. Henning

''Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." (Matt. 25:40b) Last week, I wrote about Catholic moral teaching with regard to migration. I also ...

Celebrating Black History MonthMaureen Crowley Heil

There are many Africans and African Americans on the path to sainthood in our Church. As part of Black History Month, we'll bring you the stories of some of these holy people. This week, we highlight ...

Rich in povertyScott Hahn

The blessings and woes we hear in today's Gospel mark the perfection of all the wisdom of the Old Testament. That wisdom is summed up with marvelous symmetry in today's First Reading and Psalm: ...

Weighing the benefits, costs of immigration restriction or expansionBishop Nicholas DiMarzio

As we enter a new presidential term, the social policy question before our nation will largely be the restriction or expansion of immigration. A recent article succinctly put it in these terms: "Immigration ...

Can you receive Communion twice in one day?Jenna Marie Cooper

Q: Can a Catholic receive holy Communion twice in one day? Also, is it possible to ask to receive Communion outside of Mass under normal circumstances, or is this something that is only possible for the ...

Freedom of worship for migrantsBishop Kevin C. Rhoades

In recent weeks, President Donald Trump has taken steps to make it easier for immigration officials to conduct enforcement actions in "protected areas" (often referred to as "sensitive locations"), including ...

Praying with saints and sinnersFather Robert M. O'Grady

When I first saw the title, I thought, "Huh? Praying with saints makes sense. With sinners, not so much." Then I caught myself. What about Augustine (who, of course, was both) or, for that matter, so ...

'E pluribus unum'Archbishop Richard G. Henning

Our society finds itself deeply divided on the question of immigration. Almost daily, the media stories and commentaries reveal an environment where it has become difficult to engage in honest debate ...