A forum of Catholic Thought

Can you receive Communion twice in one day?

Jenna Marie Cooper
February 12, 2025

Q: Can a Catholic receive holy Communion twice in one day? Also, is it possible to ask to receive Communion outside of Mass under normal circumstances, or is this something that is only possible for the ...

Is non-alcoholic church wine valid for consecration?

Jenna Marie Cooper
February 5, 2025

Q: I'm a parish priest and recently, when I went to order hosts and sacramental wine for my parish, I noticed the company I usually shop from was offering something called "non-alcoholic church wine." ...

What is a consecrated virgin?

Jenna Marie Cooper
January 29, 2025

Q: What does it mean to be a "consecrated virgin"" What are the rights and duties of the designation? And what is the process of becoming a "consecrated virgin?" A: The Code of Canon Law defines consecrated ...

Is kneeling to receive Communion allowed?

Jenna Marie Cooper
January 22, 2025

Q: I have been hearing that the "norm" in the United States is to receive Communion standing. Does this mean that people who try to kneel for Communion are breaking canon law? (Florida) A: You are ...

Why do we baptize infants, and why was Jesus baptized?

Jenna Marie Cooper
January 15, 2025

Q: Some Evangelical friends were recently quizzing me on the Catholic understanding of baptism. They were especially asking about Jesus' baptism, and whether this indicates Jesus had some sin or sins ...

Why is Mary's perpetual virginity so controversial for Protestants?

Jenna Marie Cooper
January 8, 2025

Q: Something that's always been kind of interesting to me is how much Protestants object to Mary's perpetual virginity. I get balking at her Immaculate Conception, her as mediatrix of all graces, asking ...

What is the significance of a Jubilee Year?

Jenna Marie Cooper
December 31, 2024

Q: What is the significance of a Jubilee Year? (Lakeland, Florida) A: The short answer is, a Jubilee Year is a special year of grace and reconciliation. Today, the Catholic Church celebrates a Jubilee ...

Could Jesus sin? If not, was he truly human and free?

Jenna Marie Cooper
December 18, 2024

Q: Could Jesus sin? If not, was he truly human and free? (Iowa) A: This is a rather complex question that gets into some deep Trinitarian theology. But I think we can still break this down into some ...